Amazing Spider-Man, The

My point exactly

That because your High School had it, Peter Parker had too? It's not a requriment everywhere, my school didn't have it. So far, it's most likely not a prop in the film anyway, so it would basically be "fantasy prop".
Parker grew up in Forest Hills in Queens New York. I don't believe you have to have a drivers license to graduate from high school in New York.
I have a close up of Connors badge. I had the viral campaign Dr. Connors Oscorp Labcorp with the badge. Here's pics of mine. :)
Utilising DBCooper's nice poster image,(Thank you :D )
I've re-rendered the text and re-done, tweaked and re-attached the artist's Image.

It's now 4184 x 2827 and is a nice resolution.

Hope you all enjoy it!! :popcorn

(Be patient for it to load though, it's huge!!)
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Nice job youngpaddy1. Looks really good. I did this one the day after the Bluray came out. They look almost identical.

I will post a pick soon. Your "00's" look better. Spot on.

cheers Cirian, DBCooper
The bluray is still not out in the UK, it comes out next Monday but I have a friendly video store, so I managed to get a copy this Wednesday.
Utilising DBCooper's nice poster image,(Thank you :D )
I've re-rendered the text and re-done, tweaked and re-attached the artist's Image.

It's now 4184 x 2827 and is a nice resolution.

Hope you all enjoy it!! :popcorn

(Be patient for it to load though, it's huge!!)

nice one man been looking for one for ages