IMJM's Whiplash Mark 2 pepakura 3d model [COMPLETED]

Just a heads up, this jerk "MASTER MOD" on youtube, keeps taking peoples files, uploading them to his own drop box, and making videos to increase his own Popularity with people.

I had to file Copyright claims on him already through Media Fire and YouTube.

And now: He's doing it to your Whiplash Armor.
I acknowledge your concerns buddy. As long as no one brands our files or sells or does something illegal, Its okay for us as the creators of the files. Because this guy in particular has just shared it and has given links to the 'maker' so other people can contact us directly if anyone wants to. I saw his website and knew this was coming some or the other day.:)

Just a heads up, this jerk "MASTER MOD" on youtube, keeps taking peoples files, uploading them to his own drop box, and making videos to increase his own Popularity with people.