Limited Run Blade Runner 2049 - K's Metal

As i stated before, everyone gets their refund. No one gets left out in the cold. When its done, and everyone gets back what they paid, the thread will be closed and i’ll bow out from the RPF for good.

My first cheque has to pay down what i owe on child support, after that i’ll be refunding someone every week.
Well it's the end of the month,has anybody heard from Brandomack?:unsure:

It is now March 1st where are you as far as making the first refund for the month of March 2024?? I am sure you are coming up with some kind of pay back / refund time table that make sense. I can really use my refund back after such a way extended waiting period.

It is now March 1st where are you as far as making the first refund for the month of March 2024?? I am sure you are coming up with some kind of pay back / refund time table that make sense. I can really use my refund back after such a way extended waiting period.
I have no dog in this, but I thought it was cool that a member named enterprise0216 had the 1701st reply to this thread.

Hey... I try to find happiness in the small things.
Talking about replies,BRANDOMACK where is your reply?:mad: You have a job now and you still have our money!
Give him some time to figure out another excuse not to start refunding people on a regular basis... :rolleyes: Taking days or even weeks to respond on messages in this thread, is already a good tactic to buy extra time...
As i stated before, everyone gets their refund. No one gets left out in the cold. When its done, and everyone gets back what they paid, the thread will be closed and i’ll bow out from the RPF for good.
It's feeling rather cold Brandon!!:mad:
Well Brandonmack you have turned out to be nothing but a THEIF AND A CONMAN if that is the case.

If i was a thief and a conman, i wouldn’t be here answering. Everyone still gets their refund, just can’t tell when. The writers went back to work, and the actors begin talks with producers in earnest tomorrow. If they can come to an agreement then i’ll finally be out of the pressure cooker that i’ve been stuck in since 2020.

Time will tell.

If that's the case and everybody gets their refund then i'll take that back.:unsure:
Remember this?
My first cheque has to pay down what i owe on child support, after that i’ll be refunding someone every week.
Every week? Are we in the second week of March or not? So have 2 people been refunded?
I am withdrawing my previous posts of support for Brandon. I am very disappointed to have put so much energy into defending him and urging patience and level-headedness. It seems as if he has not been on the forum since 12/28/2023, and has made a conspicuous decision to abandon this in 2024.

I am very sorry to the members that have had their money taken from them in this fashion.
Well, it's clear that Brandomack choose to run with the thousands of dollars he still owns people here... I can not say I'm surprised. You can try to drag this out and keep up the appearance of "willing to make things right", if it it keeps dragging on, and nobody gets refunded, then it's clear that this was all just a charade, unfortunately...

I hope his employers find out what a thieving, untrustworthy liar he has proved himself to be.
Wish they had made the movie one blank firing instead of a goofy effect ! That's what makes the 2019 Blaster so iconic ...
Well it does have a working "action" but I agree. Firing blanks doesn't go over well these days. What irks me is that no-one, especially Tomenosuke, makes a full metal version. I'd be willing to pay PKD prices for one.
Well it does have a working "action" but I agree. Firing blanks doesn't go over well these days. What irks me is that no-one, especially Tomenosuke, makes a full metal version. I'd be willing to pay PKD prices for one.
For the folks that like this gun a pfc firing version would be nice.